As a Busy Mum, Should I Use Protein Shakes as Meal Replacements #QoW


As a Busy Mum, Should I Use Protein Shakes as Meal Replacements

We’ve said it before, but Neat believes in a balanced diet: nothing beats proper meals. We’re also pragmatic and being a mum is hard work! It’s running around and playing taxi driver, stylist, chef and teacher as well as hundreds of others roles; so it’s understandable that sometimes, you just don’t have time to sit down and eat lunch. If you’re planning to skip a meal because you work shifts or you have to do the school run or you have errands to complete, planning ahead and taking a protein shake could be beneficial.

Including veg and fruit in your shake if you're not having lunch will give you a good mix of protein and carbs, as well as vitamins and nutrients. Make sure not to overdo it on the fruit as too much sugar (even fructose) won’t be beneficial. Veg is key. The protein will keep you feeling full and satiate that hunger without forcing your body into starvation mode.

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