How Do the Neat Ambassadors Relax?
Between work, studying, kids, commuting, social commitments and all the other pieces that make up our daily lives, it’s important to find time for yourself. Resetting and finding a way to just turn off that switch that makes you feel as though you have to be somewhere or be doing something is valuable. To give you inspiration on winding down, we asked the Neat Ambassadors how they relax…
Olivia Cooney – Founding Director of Pop-Up Fitness Retreats
To relax, I reflect on everything that I have managed to achieve during the week, I take great pleasure in checking off my to do list so I might admire that rather than panicking what I have to do. It really organises my mind. I love watching movies with my partner Bart or strolling through the Amsterdam canals – my new home!
Dr. Nick Ambatzis – GP
I find exercise always relaxes me, but if I can’t get to train, an episode of Seinfeld will produce similar results. "Serenity now!"
Pete Pallai – Founder of MyPilates, London
It’s like training: the body needs rest to develop and heal. So quiet time is good. I love being outside, in touch with the grass, wrapped up in winter or watching life go by. Sun and Vitamin D is what I crave. Music is always a good companion. Our minds also need to take a break from day to day ‘necessities’ and distractions. I don’t afford myself that luxury enough. I also love to immerse myself in a good movie.
Bronwen Foster-Butler – Brand and Digital Manager at lululemon
Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I know that a walk in the woods will sort me out. I’m lucky enough to live in South London where we are surrounded by green spaces. There is a little wood in Tooting common that I can always count on to get me sorted. It’s important to do this so that I can make sure the only impact I’m having on others is a positive one.
Jamie Ray Hartshorne – HIIT trainer at Another Space
Hot yoga is the only place where I can fully switch off and it gives me complete relaxation. Its important to take time for yourself and appreciate the hard work you put your body and mind through every day. Taking time to listen to your body & how it feels is very important.
Patrick Fitzgerald – Buyer at Gucci
I honestly love a nice run through the park, no distractions, no conversation – although I am always up for a solid binge session on the couch watching Homeland, and Law and Order SVU. It’s important to wind down, and give your body a little rest.
Korin Nolan – Founder of Baby Body Bootcamp
My relaxing time I guess is being snuggled up with my baby girl watching a movie. The movie is not usually my choice I must add, as my boyfriend and son always get first pick! Other than that, I love doing class, I always feel refreshed, happy and relaxed when I come out.
Casey Anderson – founder of Crossfit Las Olas
I walk my dogs. I really like them, I think they are fun to hang out with and I don’t always bring them to the gym so when I am home and don’t have much going on we go for long walks. (There’s 3 so it’s always interesting.) Plus, they don’t talk or text so it’s nice to just be quiet.
Bart Van Maanen – Model & Co-Founder of Pop-Up Fitness Retreats
I take long walks alone. This is great because I can do this anywhere. I won’t take my phone with me so I can take in my surroundings and think through important matters. It is extremely important to take time for yourself to stay in balance. If you work hard and you play hard you also need to rest hard from time to time and recharge.
Louis Rennocks – Founder of BoxxMethod
Watch movies and sleep ! I love to just relax and clear my mind. Reset for the next day.
Ashleigh Stirling – Community Manager at lululemon
Well time for myself now is a totally different thing [since becoming a mum]. I'm working in 3hr windows of time and during the day I might get and hour or two on my own. If I'm at home I tend to read or cook. Or in the evening I'd take a bath with magnesium salts. If I'm on my own and I can get out, I would go to a yoga class.
Tom Kemp – Founder of Farm Fitness
Clay pigeon shooting and spending time with my dog, Ozzy. He’s always busy helping out on the farm and keeping my clients on Farm Fitness entertained!
Nicole Harrison - Model
I like to do a few things to relax, its so important to find time for yourself when you are busy because when you are flat out, you can easily neglect your body and your mind and this can have a big negative impact that will always catch up to you. I find exercise very therapeutic - something like yoga or pilates. When I come back from travel I like to do a couple of classes.
I travel to Colombia a fair bit for work, and they have the cheapest massages at my hotel, so I usually treat myself to one of those. Lastly I love reading! It’s so easy to do anywhere and is the best way to just relax and tune out the rest of the world.
Guy Sherwin – Management Consultant
I find a sauna, steam room and massage works pretty well, but if the weather’s nice, I love spending time on the beach in the sun! It’s definitely important to switch off both mentally and physically in order to avoid stress which can ultimately lead to fatigue and injuries.