Top Things To Learn From Veganuary

Today is the last day of Veganuary, and so before many go back to their carnivore ways, here’s some of the lessons we think are great to take away from the month-long challenge…

 Veganuary Lessons | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense.


A Meal Doesn’t Need Meat to be Complete

Revolving a meal around meat and two veg is pretty traditional for us Brits, but hopefully Veganuary will have taught you that this doesn’t need to be the case! Baked sweet potatoes with tasty toppings, comforting pasta dishes and huge veggie stir fries with baked tofu are all proof that saying no to meat doesn’t mean a meal has to be unsubstantial or incomplete.


Eating Out Isn’t as Hard as You Might Think

The joy of modern eating habits means that the vast majority or restaurants will have vegan options on their menu, or are more than happy to modify dishes for you. Pick and choose bits from different meals or ask for the added cheese or poached egg to be removed from a vegetarian meal – with a few easy swaps you have a delicious, vegan-friendly meal without causing too much trouble.


You’ll Become More Inventive in The Kitchen

Stuck in the routine of eating the same meal over and over again? Being vegan is great for pushing people out of their comfort zones to start playing with new ingredients, unique recipes and fun, baking experiments. Dinner time just got a whole lot more exciting!


You Can Find Vegan Alternatives of Almost Everything

Okay, so if you’re a cheese-connoisseur then you might have to admit defeat over finding your beloved gooey brie or blue stilton, but besides that, you can find some seriously tasty vegan alternatives for pretty much everything else. Ice cream? Milky chocolate? Pulled pork burgers? You name it, you can find vegan-ify it!


Supplements are Essential

Although a vegan diet can be extremely healthy, supplementation is essential. Without animal products, we’d recommend supplementing with iron and Vitamin B12 to make sure you’re looking after yourself as well as the animals. Talk to a nutritionist if you're unsure about what you may be deficient in. 


You Have to Check Labels on Everything

You would be surprised at how many veggie snacks or takeaway meals contain dairy or eggs, so checking every label is essential during Veganuary! Did you find this too stressful to stay vegan for life? Then ditch the label! Simply do your best, eat a mostly plantbased diet and relax if you accidentally pick up a snack that contains a little milk or honey.


Vegan Food Can Actually be Really Delicious

From unique vegetable-based dishes to plant-based takes on meaty favourites, vegan food is actually a lot more delicious than people might think! Vegetables don’t have to be steamed, bland and boring. From burgers and indulgent desserts, to tasty Budhha bowls packed full of roasted veg, going plantbased really doesn’t have to mean losing out on flavour.


People Will Ask You a Tonne of Questions

Vegans are stereotypically known to want to preach about their diets to everyone and anyone, but that's not always the case! Once your friends, family and colleagues know you’ve gone vegan, we can guarantee they'll have heaps of questions for you. People are curious beings, so be prepared to explain why you don’t eat eggs, whether you miss meat and whether you can’t eat cheese on your funny new ‘diet’. 


Did any of you learn anything else from taking part in Veganuary? Comment below or send us a message on Instagram to let us know! 

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