4 Recipes For International Chocolate Cake Day

Today is International Chocolate Cake Day – what a day to be alive! As self-professed chocoholics, we couldn’t resist joining in on the celebrations with plenty of chocolate-y treats, all with a Neat twist of course! So, without further ado, here are the four protein-packed, chocolate cake recipes you need to get baking today…

Individual Chocolate Cakes

Chocolate Protein Chocolate Sandwich Cake Recipe | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense.

These mini chocolate sandwich cakes are made with a certain hidden vegetable (we promise you won’t notice), whey protein and a tasty Greek yogurt icing, meaning they’re packed full of protein and micronutrients. That’s what we call a dessert with benefits! Find the recipe, here.

Pic’s PB Choc Cupcakes

Pic's Peanut Butter Protein Cupcake Recipe | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense.

Our friends at Pic's Peanut Butter have created this incredible healthy cupcake recipe using Neat Nutrition chocolate protein powder and their incredible nut butter! Unlike your usual cupcake recipe, this one is low in carbohydrates and contains a great balance of protein and healthy fats, making them the perfect sweet treat to enjoy with a cup of tea. Find the recipe, here.

Molten Chocolate Mugcake

Chocolate Molten Protein Mug Cake Recipe | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense

It’s the ultimate dilemma; you’ve really been craving a slice of gooey chocolate cake but you want neither to spend 2 hours baking one nor stray too far from your nutritional goals. Never fear, this chocolatey dessert is the perfect solution. Made in a mug in the microwave, this high protein cake with a melting chocolate centre will help you hit your protein goals and save you from slaving away in the kitchen – it’s a win win situation! Find the recipe, here.

Sweet Potato Brownies

Sweet Potato Protein Brownie Recipe | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense.

Making brownies with sweet potato might sounds weird, but just stick with us. Sweet potatoes are chocked full of vitamin A which is key to a healthy immune system and also good vision. They have the potential to help regulate our blood sugar levels too. What a humble hero!

Try this twist on those decadent chocolatey brownies and use this healthier version to whip up a tasty treat. Find the recipe, here.

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