5 Essential Supplements For Men's Health

There’s no denying that as a nation, we’re eating more than enough food, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re giving our bodies everything they need to function optimally. With the demands of modern life and the ease and availability of calorie-dense, nutrient-low convenience foods, many of us are deficit in a whole range of essential vitamins and minerals.

Which is where supplements and smart nutrition comes in. There’s no one size fits all but here’s five of the absolute essential supplements for active men:

Essential Supplements For Men | Neat Nutrition. Active Nutrition, Reimagined For You.

Vitamin D

We get the majority of our Vitamin D from sun exposure, so for those of us stuck inside all day (or just subject to the UK’s terrible weather) supplementation is essential. For men specifically, vitamin D3 is needed to produce enough testosterone, as well as to help lower inflammation, maintain strong bones and boost brain health.


Whey Protein

When you exercise, you break down muscle, which is lost if your body doesn’t have enough to replenish its supplies. Which is why we recommend giving your body what it needs to recover well by taking a whey protein supplement. Why whey? In terms of what your body can absorb, you can’t do much better because of its origin from milk. The majority of fat and lactose has been filtered out, meaning what’s left is primed and ready to be used for muscle protein synthesis as soon as it hits your stomach.

For those who don’t eat dairy, try a vegan protein blend instead. We make ours with hemp & pea protein, it still contains all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Read more: the 7 brilliant benefits of whey protein



Magnesium, it’s pretty important stuff. Helping with calcium absorption (and therefore bone health), magnesium is also necessary for maintain the health of your muscles, including your heart. It’s even linked to relieving anxiety and helping with sleep too. Find it in nuts and seeds, dark green veggies and legumes, or top up in tablet form. 


Vitamin K

Not a vitamin often in the spotlight, but Vitamin K is important for helping with blood clotting and preventing heart disease – the no. 1 cause of death among adult men.


Omega 3’s

Omega 3 fatty acids another one great for improving the risk of heart disease, by keeping blood pressure and triglyceride levels low, as well as helping to fight inflammation. For those who want a plant-based alternative to fish, try a supplement made from algae, or get it in flaxseed, chia and kale.

Recipe time: High Protein Chia Breakfast Jar

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