Lee Live on LBC News

Last Friday, Neat’s co-founder and CEO Lee, joined Jim Diamond live on LBC London News as part of their CEO LIVE feature.

The weekly radio slot is a chance to hear from the boss of a business from different sectors of the industry with a London focus, and this week it was all about Neat - from the reasons behind it's creation 3 years ago to the business's global growth and plans for US expansion. 

Lee discusses how himself and Charlie found that, even as ex GB swimmers, “the [sports nutrition] market can be inherently confusing, and [they] wanted to strip that away and make it more accessible to a lot more people”. They did this by creating a simpler product, containing only premium ingredients, offering a no-nonsense alternative to other sports nutrition products which "historically, have got a lot of ingredients in them that people don’t understand”. 

To listen to the full interview feature, click below.


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