Healthy Habits You Can LEARN From Your Holiday
When we take a couple of weeks away from our usual routines, it often means less 6 am workouts with healthy breakfast smoothies and more late nights followed by cocktails on the beach – we expect to come back feeling sluggish, lethargic and generally less ‘healthy’. Yet why do we sometimes come home from an indulgent trip feeling healthier than ever? As it turns out, there are some fairly fantastic health benefits you can gain taking a break. Here are some of the healthy holiday habits you should be bringing back home and incorporating into your everyday life…
Bliss, that elusive 8 hours that seems so impossible to get at home. Getting the quality sleep your body needs is so much more achievable on holiday without the stresses or endless commitments of normal life. (read: five sleep tips from eve sleep). Maybe skipping that 6 am workout class when you get back home is a better idea than you thought; after all, there truly is no feeling greater than a great night’s sleep…
Enjoyment & Stress Management
Holidays are a great time to truly de-stress and forget about work. It can be a rarity to put yourself first and prioritise the things that make you happy. Whilst taking regular breaks throughout the year is a great idea to help prevent burn out or mounting stress, try to incorporate this attitude back in your daily life.
Take half an hour to an hour every day to do something you enjoy. Whether that’s reading a book before bed, or fitting in your favourite workout, bringing more joy to your day-to-day will have a massive impact on your overall wellness.
Relaxing Your Diet
Eating intuitively, trying new foods and not worrying too much about your diet is another great benefit of travelling. With new and exciting things to try, you’ll likely be adding more variety into your usual diet – meaning you’ll get a fuller range of vitamins and minerals. Hot weather holidays are likely to have you craving fruit, salad, and other fresh foods.
Moving How You Want To
Back home, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of workouts that you think you need to do, rather than simply moving how you want to. Holidays are a great time to become a bit more intuitive. Fancy a few lengths before breakfast, or a cycle around the island when you’re starting to get restless? Staying active doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.
Vitamin D
When you live in a grey and dreary country like the UK, it's easy to understand why you might feel devoid of sunlight. Vitamin D is crucial for so many things, including the health of our bones and teeth, our immune systems and cardiovascular health too. So don’t be afraid to soak up those rays whilst you can, and maybe introduce a good supplement when you get back home…