Chocolate Coated Fat Balls

You might have already heard about them from your favourite wellness bloggers, because fatballs have become the latest wellness trend! Similar to your average protein or bliss ball, fatballs are made by blending high-fat ingredients together such as nut butter, coconut oil and MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil. As with everything, they should be eaten in moderation, however they are a great satiating snack that is low in sugar and high in nutrients! 


Chocolate Coated Fat Ball Recipe | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense.



Start by blending down your nuts in a food processor to break them down into small chunks, then add your flaxseed, ground almonds, protein and flour.

Once this is mixed, add in the almond butter and coconut oil. If you've used coconut flour you may need to add a little extra liquid, so add a splash of nut milk to get the mixture binding together in a thick but slightly sticky texture. 

Mix in the cacao nibs if using and roll into bite-sized balls and place in the fridge.

If you're coating your fatballs in chocolate, melt 50g of chocolate with a dash of nut milk over a medium heat, being careful not to heat it to quickly or the chocolate could separate. Dip each ball in the melted chocolate and pop it on to a lined baking tray, sprinkling cacao nibs over if you're feeling fancy! Pop this in the freezer and swap to the fridge once set. 


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