Refresh Your Breakfast
Put down the Coco Pops! Step away from the Crunchy Nut! There’s a whole new world of breakfasts open to your morning routine that will keep you feeling fuller for longer and are less likely to include all that added sugar. Here’s a selection of Neat-inspired, added protein breakfasts:
Crunchy and moreish, granola with Greek yoghurt is a tasty start to any day! Top tip? You can stir Neat protein into your yoghurt if you’re looking for even more of a protein hit. Find the recipe here.
It’s no secret that we’re massive pancake fans at Neat and we have bunches of protein pancake recipes available on our recipe blog. This Easy Breezy Protein Pancakes recipe is pretty-much infallible though. Find the recipe here.
A thick, fruity and delicious treat to start your morning! Smoothie bowls can be as simple or ornate as you want to make them. Added bonus? Great for your instagram feed if you’re into the #bloglife aesthetic. Find the recipe here.
Porridge oats with added courgette (zucchini) – perfect for adding an easy veggie hit and really satiating your morning hunger. Find the recipe here.
Make in advance to grab & go – a muffin is an easy option for a commuter and making them yourself means no added nasties. Find the recipe here.